Archive for November, 2011

df: displays file system disk space usage for all partitions

free: displays the amount of free and used memory in the system

top: displays running processes

uname -a: prints system information

lsb_release -a: prints version information information of the Linux release currently running

ifconfig: reports system network interfaces

iwconfig: reports wireless network adapters

ps: view all running processes

lspci: lists all pci devices

lsusb: lists usb devices

lshw: lists hardware

RPM Package Management

Posted: 11/12/2011 in Ubuntu Linux
Tags: , ,

Most rpm package names are formed as:

Use rpm command to manage rpm-based packages.

Major mode options (first option given to rpm)
-install [-i]: install the package
-update [-u]: update or install a package
-freshen[-F]: update only installed package
-verify [-V]: file size, MD5, permissions, type
-query [-q]: query installed/uninstalled packages and files
-erase [-e]: uninstall package

Minor mode options (option that is not in the first position)
a: apply to all installed packages
v: verbose
h: add hashes while processing

Minor mode options together with q
c: list configuration files
d: list documentation files
f: queries which package installed a given file
h: adds hashes while processing
i: list information about a package
l: list all files and directories in a package
p: specifies that the query is performed on the package file

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