Posts Tagged ‘ubuntu’

NTP stands for Network Time Protocol, and it is an Internet protocol used to synchronize the clocks of computers to some time reference. NTP is an Internet standard protocol that is implemented via UDP over port 123. It is the best way to set your system clock correctly.

According to a Survey of the NTP Network, there were at least 175,000 hosts running NTP in the Internet. Source:

Here is a step by step guide on how to configure NTP on your Ubuntu machine. Please read my previous post to better understand this guide for NTP Server and Client Configuration.

NTP Server Configuration

Step 1: Install NTP server on your machine.

sudo apt-get install ntp

Step 2: Configure NTP server. NTP’s default main configuration file is located at /etc/ntp.conf.
a: add a number of servers to the server list


b: restrict the server’s type of access

restrict mask nomodify notrap noquery
restrict mask nomodify notrap noquery

Servers are not allowed to modify the run-time configuration or query your own NTP server.

c: set the localhost to have full access without any restricting keywords


d: define the network where NTP synchronization requests are accecpted by the NTP server

restrict mask nomodify notrap

Step 3: Stop NTP.

/etc/init.d/ntp stop

Step 4: Run ntpdate command.


Step 5: Start NTP for the settings to take effect.

/etc/init.d/ntp restart

Step 6: Check if NTP is synchronized.

ntpq -p

Configured time servers are listed. For correct synchronization, the delay and offset values should be non-zero and the jitter value should be under 100.

NTP Client Configuration

Follow the same steps provided above and set your server configuration setting to your own server’s current ip address.
server configuration settings on ntp.conf


List all currently installed packages.

dpgk --get-selections 

Find the location of a package

dpkg -L package

To transform Linux’s appearance and layout into a Mac OS X environment, type the following commands on your terminal:

1. Donwload the file from the link of macbuntu project. (for Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx). -o /tmp/mMacbuntu-10.04.tar.gz

2. Untar the downloaded file to th /tmp directory.

tar -xzvvf /tmp/Macbuntu-10.04.tar.gz -C /tmp

3. Go to the untarred file

cd /tmp/Macbuntu-10.04

4. Install


To uninstall:
1. Go to the Macbuntu directory

cd ~/.macbuntu/10.04-2.3/

2. Uninstall


Enjoy your MAC OS X-like environment! 🙂

Use apt-fast instead of apt-get for faster download speed in downloading and updating packages in Ubuntu.

To use apt-fast:

1. Download the file from
2. Rename the file to apt-fast [mv apt-fast].
3. Move the file to /usr/bin [mv apt-fast /usr/bin].
4. Add execution permission to the file [chmod +x apt-fast].
5. Use apt-fast to download/upload packages.

apt-fast install package
apt-fast update

Faster downloading and updating time with apt-fast!

Firefox is running on my Ubuntu OS but the latest version is not yet installed. To upgrade Firefox with the latest version, just enter these three simple commands on your terminal.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable
sudo apt-get update firefox
sudo apt-get upgrade firefox

Or you may use the Ubuntu Software Center for upgrading Firefox. I prefer upgrading my application using the terminal since it requires fewer steps. Anyway, here are the steps if you wish to upgrade through a graphical interface.

Go to Ubuntu Software Center
Select Edit Menu > Software Sources...
Add [php]ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable[/php] on Software Sources
Go to System > Administration
Click Update Manager, and then perform the update.

Congratulations! You now have the latest version of Mozilla Firefox.

The good news? It is now easier to use a Linux OS on your machine. Unlike before, it is just used by geeks working with command lines. Thanks to the power of user interfaces, thanks to GNOME. Well, I won’t discuss much of GNOME here. But as an overview, it is the reason why Linux is now a user-friendly OS. Linux desktop have its similarities and differences with Windows. Linux and Windows do have same functionality. Things you do with Windows, can be done with Linux as well. Applications on Windows do have have a corresponding application in Linux. The difference? One observation is the position of the minimize/maximize/close button, start menu button, and the task bar icons.

Another difference is: in Linux, you can move to another workspace but in Windows, you can’t. What a great feature, isn’t it? So helpful to those who open numerous applications. Additional great features are: Ubuntu Software Center and Network Tools.

With Ubuntu Software Center, application are categorized. This feature provides an efficient way of searching installers. With network tools, networking guys would really appreciate this one. You can do network-related stuff in one window.

I wont put much details about Linux Desktop. If you’re interested, just explore it and eventually you’ll get used to it and discover another great feature. Those three features are some of the great features i love with Linux. The main disadvantage of Linux is the availability of some software and drivers but there are always alternative to those unavailable installers.