
My first blog!

This is my first blog. And finally, I’ve decided to come up with this kind of thing. I just wanted to share my thoughts through this and I will share to you guys some tech-related stuff that I  discovered, encountered, researched, learned, taught, etc., etc..

About me: I’m Diane; a graduate of Electronics and Communications Engineering; an engineer with a  profession in IT. 🙂 I enjoy learning new kind of stuff. For me (and mostly for all people), learning is an unending process. Every now and then you will learn new ideas, see new things, and encounter new experiences.

What urge me to do this blog? I want to document the things that I learned from my Linux Training. But this blog is not necessarily all about Linux. But the first part is all about it. 😉 Aside having a record of my notes, I can also share stuff through this blog. It’s just like killing two birds with one stone.

My interest? Computers, Networking, Technology. But to make things clear: I’m not a geek 😐 It just went out that I’m interested to those fields. My latest interest is photography. Hopefully I could enroll in some of the photography classes and become a photographer in the future. 🙂 Anyway, that’s just a part of me and to all those who took time to read this: Thank you and I hope you’ll enjoy reading some of my notes because I know some may be a little bit boring. I know this blog is not enough for you to gain skills but somehow this blog will(hopefully) impart knowledge on your technical side. That’s all for now. Adios!

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